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Mobile browsing more popular than ever

A report by Ofcom has found that Smartphones have overtaken laptops to become the most popular way of browsing the internet. The 2015 Communications Market report finds that a third (33%) of internet browsing is now done on a Smartphone compared to just 22% in 2014.

What does this mean for my website?
With mobile browsing being so popular and Google’s algorithm change earlier this year, that punishes non-mobile-friendly websites by removing them for mobile searches, it is now more important than ever to ensure that your website is built to work on mobiles.

Whether it is a dedicated mobile website or a responsive design that works across all browsers, creating a site that allows mobile users to quickly and easily use your website will only benefit your business.

Unsure if your website is mobile friendly?
If you unsure if your current website is mobile friendly or not, you can check your site using Google’s mobile-friendly test:

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