Happy New Year – Website Health Check
Happy New Year! We’re back after a lovely Christmas break ready to get to work on some exciting project and are looking forward to the year ahead.
As the new year often brings new goals and resolutions, we can’t think of a better time for you to review your website and make sure it will work for you in the year to come. So here are a few simple tips to get your website in shape:
1. Website Health Check:
Visitors can easily become annoyed if they can’t quickly access the information they require, by performing an annual web health check, such as making sure there are no broken links or setting up the appropriate redirects, you can really make a difference to a visitors experience on your website.
2. Copyright Information:
An often overlooked part of a website is the copyright information, take the time to ensure that both the date and any copyright information is correct.
3. Update the About Section:
The about section on a website is usually the second most visited page on any website, taking the time to review this section and add any relevant news can help freshen up a website and give visitors a complete and up to date overview of your company.
4. To Blog or not to Blog:
A blog can be a great marketing tool and can help drive new prospects to your website, however a blog that hasn’t been updated in months can make your site seem dated and instantly have a negative impact on a visitor.
If you feel you have the time to wipe the cobwebs from the blog and get it working for you again now is the time, if not maybe it’s time to remove it from your website.
5. Analyse the Sites Stats:
Reviewing last year’s analytical data can really give you a sense of how your site performed overall. Discovering if were there any low traffic points through the year that you could help avoid this year? What pages did people visit, were there any areas with a high exit rate and if so is there a reason for this being so high and how can you fix it?
6.Set Goals:
Are you looking to increase traffic, conversions or sales? The only way you can get your site to truly work for you over the next year is to set goals for it. From there you can start implementing theses goals into your online and offline marketing strategy for the year.